Bristol Plastic Surgery
John Bandeian, MD
Creating a New You


Restylane L in Bristol, TN – Dr. John Bandeian
Serving Patients in Kingsport, Elizabethton, Bristol, Tri-Cities, TN-VA and Johnson City, TN


Restylane L costs $550/syringe 

Restylane and Juvederm are filler  that improve the appearance of lines on the face with hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance.  Restylane L has lidocaine, a local anesthetic in it so that the injections are tolerable. When selected for the appropriate indications, the results can be very impressive. There is minimal to no “down time” after Restylane and Juvederm treatments in Bristol, TN.

Dr. Bandeian uses  Restylane L primarily to fill in   shallow facial lines and to correct depressed areas on the face and  to increase the fullness of lips. Another favorite technique of both Dr. Bandeian and his patients is to inject a very tiny amount of filler into the Cupid’s bow and philtral columns of the upper lip. This helps restore the youthful pout of the upper lip that is gradually lost with advancing age.

The fillers contain local anesthesia so that the only pain the patients feel is the prick from the very tiny (30 gauge) needle. Furthermore, Dr. Bandeian has a very effective numbing cream for patients who request it. For all practical purposes, except for minimal and occasional bruising, there is no down time from fillers.

The accepted statement about the longevity of Restylane L is that it gradually get absorbed so that after one year, another injection of the filler product is needed. However, Dr. Bandeian has at least two documented cases in his patients where good correction was still present after more than 2 years. Of course, if the defect for which the filler was used increases as the patient ages, more filler will be needed even if there has been no loss of the original filler.

The overall patient satisfaction of patients with filler has been reported to be as low as 45% in national surveys. This comes as no surprise to Dr. Bandeian, because in his opinion, often, especially when injected by non-physicians or inexperienced physicians, the fillers are injected for the wrong indication. If the filler is injected for a problem for which it is ill suited, it should come as no surprise that the results are poor and the patient is dissatisfied. While, he has not conducted a survey of his patients, it is his impression by feedback from his patients that they have a high rate of satisfaction with fillers. This should come as no surprise because he is very careful to explain to his patients what they can and cannot expect from the filler. Furthermore, has been doing filler injections for many years and has become very proficient with the filler. Finally, Dr. Bandeian encourages his patients to return after one week for a no charge office visit to check the results of the filler and make sure he has met the expectations of his patients.


Dr. Bandeian does not use permanent filler injections like silicone and other products because it is belief that the potential risk from irreversible complications, albeit small, outweighs the benefits of permanent fillers.

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